You are about to
register as a member:

Membership is free if you own, rent or run a business from a commercial property or you own a commercial property that is located within our Business Improvement District (BID). If you are not sure whether your business is located within our BID, please click on the map. If you believe your business is in the red area, you can register as a member.

Before continuing, please ensure that your business or property is located within our BID area.

If you are not sure, please email

You are about to
register as a member:

Membership is free if you own, rent or run a business from a commercial property or you own a commercial property that is located within our Business Improvement District (BID). If you are not sure whether your business is located within our BID, please click on the map. If you believe your business is in the red area, you can register as a member.

Before continuing, please ensure that your business or property is located within our BID area.

If you are not sure, please email