
Auckland Transport is making changes: Bush Road, Rosedale – Footpath Construction

In September, Auckland Transport (AT) notified Business North Harbour (BNH) of the planned construction for February 2023, of a new 3 metres wide shared footpath on the eastern side of Bush Road, which would connect the two paths between Rosedale Road and finish opposite 128 Bush Road. The path would be approximately 280 metres long and would also provide pedestrian access for the hockey centre patrons.

Initially there were plans to also add yellow lines along the corresponding 280 metres of Bush Road, thus removing all the car parks from this section of the road. BNH questioned the validity and the need for this, pointing out that the shared path would cater to the cyclists and the on-road parking is invaluable, always at full capacity within the area.

We are pleased to report back to our members that after drawing attention to what we believed was AT’s unacceptable proposal and following discussions and emails, as part of which AT insisted that this section of Bush Road was a cycle lane and later confirmed that this was not the case, AT have notified BNH that they will be proceeding with the 3 metres sharted path and will keep the road as is. This means that the on-road parking along this 280 metres stretch of Bush Road will remain available to our members which is an excellent outcome for those who were otherwise going to be adversely affected.


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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert