
COVID-19 Wage Subsidy #2 closes 16 September, Wage Subsidy #3 opens 17 September

Kia ora

An update on Wage Subsidy support from the Ministry of Social Development is outlined below:

COVID-19 Wage Subsidy #2 closes 16 September, Wage Subsidy #3 opens 17 September

The COVID-19 Wage Subsidy 2021 # 2 is still available and will close at 11:59 pm on Thursday, 16 September 2021. If you are planning to apply for this subsidy, please apply well ahead of the closing time. 

For the second subsidy, the 40% revenue drop can be due to a combination of the effects of Alert Levels 4, 3 and 2 on their business (but not the effect of Alert Level 2 alone). 

The revenue test period is 14 consecutive days between 31 August and 13 September 2021.

COVID-19 Wage Subsidy August 2021 # 3 opens 17 September

The Government has opened a third round of the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy August 2021. 

Applications for COVID-19 Wage Subsidy August 2021 # 3 will open at 9:00 am Friday, 17 September 2021 and close at 11:59 pm on Thursday, 30 September 2021. 

To be eligible, businesses will be affected by the continuation of Alert Levels 3 or 4 and have or predict a 40% revenue decline over a 14 consecutive period between 14 – 27 September, which is the revenue test period.

The Wage Subsidy August 2021 payments are to support employers to continue to pay employees and protect the jobs of businesses affected by the change in COVID-19 Alert Levels.

Each of the payments covers two weeks and a business needs to wait until the two weeks is up before they apply for the next payment.

Read more here www.workandincome.govt.nz/covid-19

Support is also available from Inland Revenue, see below:

Support available from Inland Revenue:

The Resurgence Support Payment is available from Inland Revenue for businesses and self-employed people to get support with business costs like rent or fixed costs and can be accessed through the Inland Revenue website. Businesses can apply for the Resurgence Support Payment at the same time as the Wage Subsidy Scheme. 

Businesses and organisations can apply for the second payment of the Resurgence Support Payment from8:00 am on Friday 17 September on Inland Revenue’s website www.ird.govt.nz. They are able to apply for the second payment even if they have received the first payment. Payments will remain open until onemonth after the whole of Aotearoa New Zealand returns to alert level 1.

Ngā mihi

The Auckland Community Liaison Advisor Team 

Ministry of Social Development

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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert