
Help us get Kiwi businesses started on sustainability

Help us get Kiwi businesses started on sustainability

The climate and biodiversity crisis. Our extraordinarily wasteful system. Urgent action is needed.
As organisations and individuals who already know this, we’re asking for your help. We’re calling on every business in Aotearoa New Zealand to ‘start now’ on sustainability. 

You can help make this happen!

Our team has created an inspirational new campaign, which also marks SBN’s 20th anniversary. It includes media coverage, ads and activity across social media. They all feature the theme:  “Start with us”.  

You can get involved too! 

Watch, like and share our campaign video, like and share the campaign on LinkedInFacebook and Instagram.   Here’s what we want you to do:

Help businesses take the first step Businesses often tell us they don’t know where to start on sustainability. They need to know that SBN can help. We make the first steps quick, easy, affordable and cost effective. We run inspiring collaborations and events that put the world’s best sustainable business ideas to their fingertips.

Free sustainability support to get businesses started Point your contacts to SBN’s website. There’s a host of new step-by-step guides and simple tools that they can get started on immediately. As businesses acting on sustainability we can reach more customers. We can access more overseas markets. We can cut costs. We can recruit and retain the best talent. We can innovate with the best. The more businesses that do this, the easier it will become. 

Lead the change Many in our network are at the forefront of transforming Aotearoa New Zealand. But we need everyone on board. Encourage your suppliers and customers to start with us. It will grow our network and our collective impact. It will increase the value for everyone involved.

Use your influence – we need more action at scale!  We need your help. We need more businesses acting on climate change. We need more businesses designing out waste. We need more businesses supporting nature regeneration projects. The need for business sustainability has never been more urgent.

Let’s get our network active on this. Share the web page, our tools and resources and boost our posts on Facebook and LinkedIn. Let’s grow the movement of action! 

Source: Sustainable Business Network

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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert