
New Zealand is moving to Orange – what does this mean for you?

The Government announced that all of New Zealand is changing from Red to Orange setting of the traffic lights (COVID-19 Protection Framework) at 11:59pm on the 13th April.

What this means for your business

The requirements apply by activity. If your business carries out a number of different activities, you will need to consider how best to meet the requirements for each. For example, a mall may have a food court (food and beverage rules apply), general retail (retail rules), and hairdressers (close proximity rules apply). If your business carries out a number of different activities that can’t be separated, you will need to operate under the more stringent rules. If you can separate operations, you can operate in line with the specific rules within each separate area.

Orange Setting:

  • Orange is used when the risk to our public health system has reduced.
  • Face masks are required in most of the same indoor settings as for red.
  • There are no capacity limits indoors or outdoors.

Click here to view further information on the COVID-19 Protection Framework at the business.govt.nz website.

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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert