Reduce financial stress | Father’s Day promotions | Māori trade marks
Reduce your financial stress
Taking control of your finances can be simpler than you think. Watch our short videos to learn tips to reduce any stress you’re feeling about financial management or during tax time. Find out more
Take climate action now

All businesses have a role to play in reducing emissions. You could reduce the impacts of your business by using less energy, looking at your supply chain and managing your waste. Small actions all add up. Find out how in the Climate Action Toolbox. Find out more
5 tips for a happy Father’s Day

If you’re planning special offers or promotions this Father’s Day, follow our 5 essential tips to make sure your marketing is transparent and trustworthy. Find out more
Improve your online business

To take your business to the next level, you’ve got to really understand your customers.
Digital tools can help you, by showing you how they behave, what they are looking for and what information they find useful.
Learn about:
- the benefits of using web analytics
- why you should use a customer relationship management (CRM) system
- what marketing automation is.
What to do when products are unsafe

You may need to undertake a product recall if a product you sell has safety concerns, falls short of a safety standard, or has caused injuries or near misses. Product safety responsibilities apply to all businesses that sell products, including retailers, online sellers and manufacturers. Find out more
Do you use Māori elements in your trade mark?

If you have Māori elements in your trade mark, make sure you’re carefully considering their use. Check out new guidelines from the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand. They explain Māori concepts and include guidance on when to consider getting input from Māori artists or cultural experts. Learn more
Have your say on length measures

Do you use steel tape measures to measure your goods before you sell them? Or do you manufacture, import or sell the measures? Then a proposal to change the rules around them could affect you. Consultation is open this Friday, 23 August, 2024. Have your say
In case you missed it…personal income tax changes

In last month’s newsletter we had an update on changes to personal income tax thresholds that came into effect from 31 July 2024. You can still check out what you need to do if you employ people, whether or not you use payroll software. Find out more