Our contractor, March Cato are in the process of constructing a new 1.75km wastewater pipeline from Windsor Park to the Rosedale Wastewater Treatment. The next stage of the project involves open cut trenching along Apollo Drive. This portion of works will to be carried out at night to reduce the interruption to adjacent businesses during normal work hours.
How will this stage of the project affect you?
A ONEWAY DETOUR will be set up on Apollo Drive between the hours of 7pm to 6am from 1st October 2023 – early December 2023. During this time, you may also notice the following temporary changes:
The current stop/go system in operation on Apollo Drive will remain in place during the hours of 9am – 7pm until the work on the scour valve chamber located at Apollo reserve is complete (estimated late October). The stop/go system will be removed outside the work hours allowing traffic to flow in both directions. We will continue to work with businesses and residents to ensure driveway access in maintained throughout the duration of the project. Any changes to the traffic management plan will be communicated to the wider community prior to them coming into effect.
Source: Watercare