Traffic, Transport & Roading Updates
Better Transport

Business North Harbour members have identified easy access, environmental concerns and improved public transport options as high priorities.
We’re here to actively represent your interests. To do this effectively, we need you to share your opinions and ideas on the infrastructure consultation processes that our growing area demands.
BNH works primarily in partnership with Auckland Transport (AT) and New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) to develop initiatives that ensure North Harbour remains a desirable place to live, work, socialise, play or own a commercial property.
Safety and Access
This critical area affects everyone within the North Harbour Business Improvement District (BID), be the workers, students, residents or visitors.
Business North Harbour’s main focus is improved ease of access to and from, and within the Business Improvement District area.
We continue to advocate on your behalf and work with AT, NZTA and other transport related organisations to develop comprehensive plans for all roading developments within the area including the Northern Corridor Improvements (new motorway connections) and Watercare’s future proofing Auckland’s wastewater, in addition to providing feedback on the arterial routes such as Constellation Drive, Apollo Drive and Rosedale Road.
By understanding the mid to long-term plans for greater area, we can help business and property owners plan with confidence to reduce the impact of congestion on their day-to-day operations.
Read BNH’s submissions to AT here.
Ways to Get Around North Harbour
No one wants to be stuck in traffic. To avoid the stresses of congestion on your commute, you may want to consider alternatives to driving – even if it’s one day a week. Luckily, there are plenty of travel options to choose from. By riding the bus or sharing a ride, you can take advantage of priority parking and transit lanes to make your journey faster. Or create an ideal combination of travel modes to get you where you’re going – seamlessly and stress-free.
Flexible working gives staff the opportunity to vary their hours, days or location. It allows people to work remotely, avoiding peak-hour traffic, with consideration to personal commitments.
Key benefits for employees:
- Less time, energy and money spent commuting
- Enhanced work-life balance
- Lower stress levels
- Better focus and productivity when working
- Greater job satisfaction and improved wellbeing
Key benefits for employers:
- Easier to attract more diverse talent
- Improved staff engagement and retention
- Increased staff commitment
- Greater staff productivity
- Decreased absenteeism
- Less pressure on staff parking and office space
For advice about travel planning, please contact Sandra Craze.
AT Initiatives to Keep Auckland Moving

When you consider your working week, what small changes could you make which could have a significant positive impact to lessen congestion on Auckland’s roads?
The Simple Solution to Traffic
Find and Share Parking
Park with Parkable
and stop circling the block

park where you want

arrive happy

effortless from start to finish
Share with Parkable
and start getting paid

Share on your terms

Earn easy income

never lift a finger
List your spare space in a matter of minutes and start earning extra income from drivers parking at your place. Whether you have room for one car or one hundred – it’s extra cash without the extra work.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Bikes
Thinking of going electric? You could reduce your business vehicles’ running costs and your carbon emissions by up to 80%.
Read about NZ Government’s EV programme to accelerate both domestic and commercial uptake.
Read more about greener travel options in FYI, June 2019.