Big businesses commit to help small businesses get digital
Big business and organisations have banded together to support businesses and communities across the country to accelerate a Digital Aotearoa with free, subsidised or discounted products, services, support and research.
The Digital Boost Alliance
The Digital Boost Alliance, which launched on Tuesday night, is made up of more than 20 major businesses and organisations. They’ve committed to help grow the use of digital technologies across New Zealand.
Their commitments range from providing discounted or free products or services, subsidised or free digital training, research to help understand the barriers to digital adoption, through to providing support resources and funding.
The big names that have joined the Digital Boost Alliance so far include: 2 Degrees, Amazon Web Services, ANZ, ASB, BNZ, CERT NZ, Chorus, Datacom, Facebook, Google, HP, Kiwibank, Microsoft, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, MYOB, Rocketspark, Spark, The Mind Lab, The Warehouse Group, Xero and Zeald.
It’s the first time so many high-profile organisations have come together to collectively offer their support, products and services to achieve a greater scale and impact for small businesses.
Find out more about what the Digital Boost Alliance can offer your business
The launch
The Digital Boost Alliance was launched at an event in Auckland by Stuart Nash, Minister for Small Business, Economic and Regional Development, and Tourism.
“The continued digitalisation of NZ businesses will help secure the economic recovery in the face of ongoing uncertainty and volatility as COVID-19 evolves around the world. The global pandemic is still our biggest threat but we are well placed to deal with its challenges through initiatives like increased digitalisation,” Mr Nash said.
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