25 January 2023
Increase your focus and improve your wellbeingJuggling the responsibilities of running a small business alongside extra admin in the lead up to tax time can be extremely demanding.Register now for our upcoming wellbeing webinar, hosted by MYOB’s Jo Tozer and clinical psychologist & Smiling Mind CEO Dr Addie Wootten, to learn how to spot early signs of stress and hear simple tactics that can help increase focus and improve wellbeing.17 February | 12 noon | Online
Get your rental property up to scratch
Summer is the perfect time to improve the quality of your rental property so that it meets all the healthy homes standards.
The deadline to meet the standards depends on the type of tenancy.
Use tools and resources to find out what you need to do to your property.
Protect your retail shop with a fog cannon
If you run a small retail business you may be eligible for a $4,000 subsidy to get a fog cannon installed.
Applications open on 1 February.
Check if you meet the criteria before you apply.
Understanding Fair Pay Agreements
As an employer you’ll have rights and responsibilities under the Fair Pay Agreement system.
Learn more about what’s involved in our webinar for employers.
28 February | 3pm to 4:15pm | Online
Upskilling options for migrant workers
Now is a good time to consider training options for your migrant workers.
They might be eligible to have their fees covered for training or study, or you could get support to keep or take on new apprentices.
Click here for more information
Joining a co-op could benefit your business
Being in a co-operative means you work with other business owners who have similar objectives or sell goods or services similar to yours. You’ll be able to:
- share costs
- increase your buying power
- improve your market reach
Click here for more information
Have your say on business payment practices
Tell government what you think about proposed regulations for how big businesses and government agencies pay suppliers.
The regulations are part of a regime that could help you decide who you want to do business with, to avoid cash flow problems.
Submissions close 26 February.
Click here for more informaiton
Share your experience of governance during COVID-19
Tell us how useful you found company governance laws during the pandemic.
You’ll be helping us and Kiwi businesses better prepare for future events.
Survey closes at 5pm, 30 January.
Click here to complete the survey
Source from business.govt.nz