
In the Spotlight with Kirsten Patterson


There was a distinctly upbeat atmosphere at North Shore Golf Club, as Women in Business attendees reconnected, caught up with each other’s news, and enjoyed a delicious morning tea. This positive mood was further enhanced when Business North Harbour (BNH) general manager Kevin O’Leary confirmed that, in association with Massey University, the planned women in leadership mentorship programme would be going ahead. His call for mentors and mentees was met with enthusiastic nods.

“Who’s looking after your kids’ and other important questions I always get asked…” This was how Kirsten “KP” Patterson began talking about her life as a #CEOmum. The next 45 minutes were unpretentious and relatable, inspiring and hilarious.

Kirsten asked: “What is a work/life balance anyway?” Whatever it is, it is not picture-perfect social media posts – which is why we should never compare ourselves to other people’s lives on the internet. No-one’s life is like that all the time. “Build your tribe; be friends with normal people,” she urged.

Similarly, when someone is standing on stage presenting, we judge them by that polished performance, we don’t see their journey to get there. Despite being an accomplished and engaging speaker, Kirsten is a self-confessed “high-functioning introvert” with a “sick to my stomach” fear of public speaking. However, this personal experience has made her all the more determined to help give a voice to others.

Kirsten reminded us that leadership and governance occur every day, perhaps without being recognised, and that low profile does not equal low importance. Baking for a good cause, coaching a child’s sports team, helping behind the scenes at your local non-profit – all of these things can make a real difference. “No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.”

The frustrating current reality is that a CEO in the NZX50 is four times more likely to be called Mark or John than to be a woman. “Australia is ahead of us. That’s not something we ever want to say!” Diversity can bring untold benefits to an organisation. Decision-making is undoubtedly messier and more complex, but therein lies the value of different perspectives.

So, what now? “Be honest. Be comfortable with who you are. Remember that, in rugby, there is room for all shapes and sizes of people on a team! And, wherever you go and whatever you do, leave that organisation better than you found it.”

Click here to see the event’s photos.

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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert