
Safer Internet Day 2021

The community is relying on the internet more than ever before to remain connected. Given the role the internet has played in recent worldwide events, it’s more important than ever before that people know how to stay safe online.

The internet gives us opportunities we’ve never had before, with more and more on offer by the day. But with these advances come challenges, and their impact is all too real when things go wrong.

As an online safety organisation, Netsafe deals with many issues, including online bullying, grooming, scams, stalking, image-based abuse and privacy breaches.

Online safety is often thought of as an issue for young people, but anyone can experience a problem the internet.

Netsafe research shows one in five teenagers, and one in 10 adults were harmed by something they experienced online in the previous year. In many cases, people reported being unable to eat or sleep and withdrawing from usual daily activities.

Here are five simple steps we can all take to protect ourselves and whānau online:


Be careful giving out your personal details. Make sure your passwords are hard to guess and you have different passwords for all your accounts. Too hard to keep track? Consider using a password manager.


Do a social media check-up. Familiarise yourself with the privacy settings on the platforms you use and think twice about what you post.


Not everything you read is real. Like everything, information we consume needs a critical lens. Implement a fake news filter. Ask, is this a reliable source? Are these facts credible? Is the article balanced? Could this be a joke or a hoax?


Try to be tolerant, kind and respectful online. If you are having a problem, Netsafe can help you resolve it and explain the laws designed to prevent and reduce harm.


Most importantly, let’s kōrero about online experiences. This is particularly important for whānau. Having regular, non-judgemental conversations with your kids about what they’re doing can minimise damage if things go wrong

Safer Internet Day Resources

Netsafe’s Online Safety Conversation Starters: Take the time on Safer Internet Day to learn about your child’s online activities. The easiest way to do it is to ask.

Netsafe’s 5 Safer Internet Day Basics: Wondering where to begin with online safety? For Safer Internet Day, Netsafe have put together a few online safety starter tips to spark your thinking and help you have better online experiences.

Visit Netsafe for more resources.

About Netsafe

Netsafe is New Zealand’s leading online safety organisation, successfully helping thousands of people every year deal with a myriad of online challenges, such as grooming, bullying and scams. Netsafe is also New Zealand’s Safer Internet Day host. They bring together credible and up-to-date online safety advice and information to help supporters raise awareness and start conversations about more positive online experiences.


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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert