
Techweek – latest free training resources

Stay connected for a better tomorrow with Techweek

Techweek, New Zealand’s festival of tech and innovation returns 16-22 May. The nationwide series of events, many of which are complimentary, showcase and celebrate New Zealand innovation. All events provide a platform for the sharing of ideas connections building, to enhance our future world.

Upskill with the Activate Tāmaki Makaurau Business Community

The Activate Tāmaki Makaurau Business Community not only provides valuable resources to Auckland businesses, it also offers a network to connect with other business leaders in your region or industry. Their partners, many of whom are leading business organisations representing small businesses, regularly add useful and up-to-date free tools and resources you can access right now, including webinars, business continuity plans and guides. They offer a few online webinars such as What Government support is still available for you and your business and Marketing your Business Series, Part #4: Digital Marketing Strategy.

To get free access to these business resources, click here.

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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert