Businesses are required to display a NZ COVID Tracer QR code and have an alternative way people can record their visit.
At Alert Levels 2, 3 and 4, most businesses that are open must have systems and processes in place to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that everyone aged 12 years or older who enters their workplace either:
1. scans the NZ COVID Tracer QR code
2. makes some other kind of personal contact record (e.g. a diary note), or
3. provides their name and phone number to business, alongside the date and time they were present.
This means more than just displaying the QR code and having a sign in sheet. It requires the person in charge of the business or service to have systems and processes in place to ensure that people do check in.
At Alert Level 2, the contact record rule applies to visitors to listed businesses and services where there is likely to be close contact between workers and visitors, or between visitors who do not know each other. It does not apply to retail businesses, including supermarkets, dairies and banks.
It does not apply to the workers in those businesses or services, but we recommend you keep track of when your workers are present and what locations they work at.
This rule applies from 11.59pm on Tuesday 14 September.
See the list of business and services this applies to
At Alert Level 3, the rules do not apply to businesses that are closed because they cannot operate at the Alert Level 3. Previous Orders that applied Alert Level 3 provisions, specified other businesses that did not need to comply with the contact record rule. This includes supermarkets, dairies and other certain uncooked food retailers, petrol stations, car rental and car share providers, banks, shopping malls and accommodation services, and vets.
See the list of businesses that the previous Health Order did not apply to
Note, as no current regions are in Alert Level 3, this information is subject to change.
At Alert Level 4, the rules only apply to specified businesses (as most businesses are already closed).
See the list of specified businesses
Systems and processes to make sure people scan in or record their visit
Deciding what systems and processes work best in your business will depend on how it operates – for example, its size, layout, and what people generally do when entering the premises, including any interactions with workers.
These actions could include:
increased or more prominent signage and messaging about checking in
having your staff or enquire about whether customers/visitors have checked in during ‘ordinary’ interactions
having someone stationed at the door to greet customers and encourage them to check in (ensuring you also comply with the distancing requirements)
checkin that existing systems (such as building or premise access cards or appointment booking systems) collect the necessary contact information, and are being used widely by customers/visitors.
Write down the systems and processes you have put in place, and ensure all your workers are aware of them.
Provide multiple options to record people’s visits
You must display an NZ COVID Tracer QR code, but some people might not wish to or be able to scan in. If a person does not scan a QR code or record the visit themselves in their personal diary, you must provide a way for that person to provide you with a ‘contact record’. A contact record is the person’s name, the date and time they entered the workplace, and a telephone number.
This can be through an electronic system (such as the tablet sign-in apps already used by many businesses to register visitors), or a simple pen-and-paper register using individual slips and a ballot box for storage, or having an employee take attendance records on visitors’ behalf. If you already have systems for other purposes, such as building access swipe cards or an appointment booking system, you can use these as long as they collect all the required information (name, date, time, phone number).
More information on options to do this, and templates are available on the Unite against COVID-19 website:
Contact tracing at your workplace –
Requirements for people organising social gatherings that are permitted at Alert Level 2
A person organising a social gathering that is permitted at Alert Level 2 must have systems and processes in place to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that each person aged 12 or over attending the social gathering scans the QR code, makes a diary note, or provides their details to the person organising the gathering. This rule only applies if the people at the gathering do not all know each other.
Guidance on social gatherings permitted at Alert Level 2 —
BusinessContact TracingCOVID