
tuckr: the new food ordering mobile app

tuckr is New Zealand’s first not-for-profit food ordering mobile app.

They’re committed to the best customer experience at the lowest possible transaction fee. Their aim is to help keep local profits local, and to support the New Zealand businesses that actually created them.

By not giving up 33% of an order’s value, tuckr independent restaurants and food suppliers have the best chance of retaining their staff and surviving into the future. They think that way, everyone wins.

New Zealand Businesses: Why Give Up a Third of Your Order Value?

tuckr gives your customers a world-class ordering experience for pick-ups and deliveries.

All revenues go directly to your business. tuckr is not a middleman profiting off your hard work.

Zero set-up costs.

tuckr is committed to the lowest possible transaction costs in the industry at just 2.5% plus credit card processing fees.

You’re the service industry experts – you control the customer experience and deal with your customer directly.

New Zealand Food Lovers! Give Your Favourite Local Business the Support They Really Need

Help local businesses keep the profits they earn and deserve from their hard work.

Support the local restaurants you love and help keep them in business into the future.

Use tuckr to access all kinds of different food options.

Discounts and loyalty rewards.

Click here to join.

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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert