Auckland’s draft speed management plan for 2024-27 is now open for public feedback until 28 August.
The plan focuses on implementing safe speed limits around 358 schools, as well as in communities where there is support for change.
Katoa, Ka Ora is Auckland Transport’s (AT’s) first speed management plan for Auckland. It’s different from speed limit work done to date because it’s under the new speed limit rule that was put in place in early 2022.
AT’s Chief Executive Dean Kimpton says AT is determined that people should not be harmed as they move around Auckland. The speed management plan is a part of achieving that.
“We are listening to Aucklanders and want to hear your thoughts about speed management as it’s something that we know a lot of people are really passionate about. Make sure you have your say on this vital plan as we work to keep all Aucklanders safe no matter how they travel. Aucklanders have long told us that they want their kids to feel safe getting to and from school, so this is a real focus of the plan.”
Dr Michael Hale, Medical Officer of Health, National Public Health Service Northern Region says:
“Safe speeds calm down our roads, helping to create neighbourhoods where children, parents and communities feel safe to walk and cycle to school or around their local area. This helps all of us live more active, healthier lives, supporting improved physical and mental health.
“Currently the roads in our city are too dangerous. Every week in Tāmaki Makaurau 12 people have a death or serious injury on our roads from a collision. This is shocking because it is so preventable.
“As part of a comprehensive Vision Zero approach to road safety, the Katoa, Ka Ora proposals can prevent death and serious injury in Tāmaki Makaurau, and contribute towards an active, healthier future for all.”
Ron Devlin, Te Hiku Region Manager for Fire and Emergency NZ says as first responders to motor vehicle accidents, Fire and Emergency often sees first-hand the terrible effects of speed on our roads.
“We are pleased to support Katoa, Ka Ora and its vision to reduce harm and make the roading network of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland safe to walk, bike or drive.”
For more information, maps, and to have your say:
Source from: Auckland Transport