Dig in at our business and community restoration working bee alongside Business North Harbour, Harbour Sports, Untangled Landscapes and North Harbour Hockey Association.
Business Volunteer Day
When: 1pm – 4pm, Tuesday, 6 September
Where: Te Hōnonga a Iwi Restoring Rosedale Park project site, behind Hilton Brown Swimming in Volkner Place, Albany
What to bring: Gumboots or old shoes, a raincoat, gardening gloves, drinking water
RSVP: Confirm your business is taking part by emailing hello@restoringrosedalepark.org.nz
Parking: Park in the public car behind the North Harbour Softball Association and walk to the path near Harbour Hockey Turf 5. People will be on hand to guide you to the project site.
Te Hōnonga a Iwi – Restoring Rosedale Park is SME-led, integrated, local urban environmental restoration of 4000 m2 unused, weed infested land using sustainability principles to enhance social equity, foster environmental wellbeing and strengthen business resilience enabling the community to promote social equity and ecological justice and mitigate for climate change.
The restoration comprises of 33 partnerships that transcend the public, private, education, sports and arts sectors including Iwi/Mana Whenua, 5 schools, a Montessori, a retirement home, Massey University, sports codes, local government and NFP organisations and 13 local SME’s.
Businesses who are stakeholders in Te Hōnonga a Iwi:
- Attract and retain talented staff
- Increase staff wellbeing
- Increase environmental wellbeing
- Increase their future customer pipeline
- Increase capability to attract sponsorship and funding opportunities
- Increase their organisations sustainability contribute local, national and international value to mitigating climate change.
Small-medium business enterprises have a large role to play to reduce the negative effects of climate change such as adverse weather events and increased communicable diseases. Businesses who have become involved in the project directly contribute towards:
To get in involved contact Te Hononga a Iwi or visit website:
hello@restoringrosedalepark.org.nz | 027 270 2736 | restoringrosedalepark.org.nz