
More Financial Pressure On The Way

Before the recent catastrophic weather events, businesses were facing several challenges to make ends meet as the cost of materials and interest rates continued to rise, whilst many were still struggling to operate at optimal capacity due to the shortage of staff.

This situation hasn’t improved and looming on the horizon now for us all is the potential of additional financial pressure as a result of the need for Auckland Council to mitigate an identified budget
deficit of $295 Million.

Auckland Council has managed to get itself into a dire financial situation where the only way out appears to be for everyone to pay more in rates and other charges to increase Council’s income, whilst at the same time, a wide range of services that Council currently provides to Aucklanders, albeit at a variety of levels of efficiency, are proposed to be reduced or discontinued altogether.

Whilst Council is also looking inwards to achieve cost savings to help alleviate the situation, this is of little comfort to those employees whose jobs are now at risk, or to rate payers, who through no fault of their own are having to pay more for a reduction in services. This is not only unjust, but sadly comes at a time when many Aucklanders are already facing unexpected financial hardship.

I hope that you are able to overcome any further challenges that may come your way and would ask that whenever possible, you continue to support our local businesses as we all try to navigate our way through these stormy seas.


Business North Harbour Staff Contacts
Kevin O’Leary – General Manager
Bernadette Roberts – Marketing & Events Manager
Sarah de Zwart – Relationship Manager/Transport Projects
Dave Loader – Crime Prevention Specialist
Kate Thorpe – Office Manager

Business North Harbour Office
Telephone: 09 968 2222
Address: Level 1, 322 Rosedale Road, Rosedale
Website : www.businessnh.org.nz


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Bernadette Robert

Bernadette Robert